
Affinity designer linux
Affinity designer linux

Different distributions have different ways of handling package management, administration, and security. This is a fairly good reason for switching to a new distribution.

  • Should I Switch Linux Distributions? A Guide.
  • I normally would recommend Linux Mint to people new to GNU/Linux but you seemed to see no problem with jumping headfirst into Qubes so maybe a DIY distro (warning: when I say "DIY", I mean DIY) that can be hardened like Arch Linux (if the install seems hard you can use archinstall) or even Gentoo. I know that journactl command would be helpful but I am not conforatble sharing them as I use multiple window managers and might be chaotic reading them. I made some configuration changes and broke my gnome DE especially when installing a variant of the gnome login manager called gdm-prime and when I switched to ly window manager.

    affinity designer linux

    Hello there! The title explains the post I think. Gnome 43 broke after messing arround with xorg and login managers

    affinity designer linux

    I also check the Archlinux "Latest News" (rss feed) to see if any will require user intervention (rarely ever is anything needed).

    affinity designer linux

    I check what updates are pending with sudo pacman -Sy & sudo pacman -Qu and see if there are any updates that will need extra attention.

    Affinity designer linux